CBD or Cannabidiol

My experience with CBD
I was very skeptical. I am a runner and suffered a back injury, nothing serious but the typical chronic pain that is not disabling but annoying. I went to one of the Sensitive CBD stores in Barcelona and after chatting for a while with the sales clerk, I bought a 10% oil. I’m not going to say it was miraculous because it wasn’t, but a few drops did reduce the pain and made me feel better. Let me explain: sometimes when you have a prolonged pain, whether menstrual, toothache, whatever, you get exasperated. You go on working, playing sports, whatever, but you are in a bad mood, irritable, any minor inconvenience makes you tense up.
In my case, the drops not only reduced the inflammation and that made the pain less, as did Voltaren or any anti-inflammatory drug but without destroying my stomach, but also the cannabidiol did something in the brain that made me feel calmer, calmer, but awake and focused.
What are the properties of CBD oil?
Cannabidiol and other cannabinoids have been scientifically proven to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and neuroprotective properties. It is a potent anticonvulsant, antioxidant, antinausea and antiemetic, antitumor, anxiolytic, antipsychotic, a strong craving reducer for heroin, cocaine and alcohol and an immunomodulator.
Is CBD legal?
Yes, CBD is the main component of the hemp plant, hemp is a plant that is not only legal, but also the fruit of a green revolution, which creates sustainability wherever it is planted, it even has European subsidies, as long as fibers are harvested.

What is not legal is hemp for therapeutic purposes, which is currently only legal for two pathologies: ALS and a type of epilepsy. Medical hemp is not legal because of the small amount of THC it contains and its possible psychoactive effects.
Although it seems that we can begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Last May, the Health Commission of the Congress of Deputies approved the proposal to create a subcommittee to work on the regulation of hemp for medicinal use.
But CBD is legal, despite the fact that still several countries in the EU – Spain, Ireland, France, Portugal – ignore the latest guidelines of the European High Court of Justice according to which “A Member State may legally prohibit the marketing of cannabidiol (CBD) produced in another Member State when it is extracted from the hemp sativa plant in its entirety and not only from its fiber and seeds”.
Be careful if you take CBD on vacation
If you are going on domestic tourism, no problem. In Europe, the United States and Canada you will not have a problem if you bring a small bottle of TCB with you, but be careful if you travel to other parts of the world. In Africa, for example, it is considered illegal and in many countries of the world, despite the very low toxicity of the product and that it has nothing to do with THC, the psychoactive cannabinoid that produces the high (although THC also has therapeutic properties, it is not only used for recreational purposes). So before you happily throw it in your backpack, make sure it’s legal at your destination.
What is the difference between CBD oil and cream?
There are many differences between CBD oil and the various types of hemp and CBD creams, salves and cosmetics. The main one would be the simplicity of the ingredients of CBD oil: hemp seed oil and CBD extract. Only two components, totally natural and of very low toxicity, which allow, as the great scientific eminences advise, the sublingual consumption of CBD oil.
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